Change Management
Human Change Management | Program Management | Economic Management & ROIThe success of an organizational transformation depends on a subtle balance in the adaptation of its main asset areas. It requires flexible and rigorous management of both the operational and economic aspects of the change and its human aspects. With its expertise in managing complex programs, Pagamon helps you structure and implement the management of this change and supports you at each stage of your transformation.
Many transformations do not deliver the expected results because they are too focused on achieving operational or technological objectives, to the detriment of taking the human factor into account. Managing change consists of channeling the organization’s efforts towards the levers of transformation, first and foremost its employees, with the objective of overcoming natural resistance to change by ensuring that everyone is on board in a positive dynamic. And this while respecting deadlines, budgets and targeted results (operational, economic and financial).
Very often, the management of a transformation program is limited to monitoring tasks according to a given schedule. Beyond these elements, operational management (PMO) is all the more necessary as the contributors belong to matrix organizations that are characterized by silos. Ongoing risk analysis (probability of occurrence and degree of impact on the program) and the formalization of associated mitigation actions make it possible to secure completion. And to react quickly to readjust both the action plans and the resulting objectives. In an agile and dynamic way.
Also, organizations often fail to monitor the achievement – or not – of the results expected from the implementation of their transformation. By empowering leaders and managers through indicators that are voluntarily synthetic, highly operational and easy to measure and monitor, results management makes it possible to validate, as progress is made, the effective achievement of the expected operational, economic and financial gains.
Last but not least, from the construction of a new organization to the implementation of new operating modes, from a move to the deployment of new processes, from the integration of digital and disruptive technologies to changes impacting internal or external resources: the human accompaniment of change must be systematic. Because there is no such thing as a “small” change when the transformation creates disruption in the daily work of employees.
Several approaches are to be favored during these changes:
- Explain and communicate, because a change that is not understood can lead to a chaotic integration of the solution(s) provided.
- Convince and reassure, because a change perceived by teams as a threat, without taking into account the interests of each employee, can lead to massive rejection.
- Amplify and demonstrate the added value, because a change perceived as a non-event can result in an insufficient integration effort that would destroy the expected benefits.
At Pagamon, we are convinced that change management must be :
- Integrated into the transformation plan from the start.
- Conducted with method and pedagogy.
- Based on upstream communication, transparency and accuracy of information to address any concerns and apprehensions, and to avoid harmful rumors.
- Finally, participative and collaborative by involving each member of the team as a relay, or even ambassador, of the transformation, in order to facilitate the positive adhesion of the greatest number.
When digital transformation is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when it’s done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.
Human Change Management
- Impact analysis of the transformation plan by population
- Change strategy | Deployment plan | Levers, risks and obstacles roadbook
- Mobilization plan: information | communication | training | awareness by stakeholder (ambassadors | relays | leaders & managers | employees) and BU
- Educational*, communication and awareness engineering
- ‘(Re)conversion’ component: positions | skills | gap analysis | actions
- ‘Tools’ component: training* | gamification | onboarding / collaborative
- ‘Field feedback’ component: surveys | meetings
- ‘Measurement of appropriation’ component: understanding | interest | use | satisfaction
- Change Management Cockpit: calendar of change actions
- Monitoring of the change management plan | Budget | Alerts (social inc.) | KPIs
* Pagamon is a registered training institute since 2014, approved by the French DIRECCTE under the activity declaration number 11756031875
Operational Management
- Structuring of the program (objectives | milestones | responsibilities | workload | budget | KPIs)
- Review of expectations and governance | Constitution of bodies
- Operational ‘program’ cockpit
- Risk Mitigation Plan | Reporting
- Deployment of monitoring (macro | micro) and communication tools
- Ongoing: risks | budget | deadlines | alerts [recalibration]
- At the end of the program: post-mortem and feedbacks [capitalization | hand-over]
- Correlation matrix ‘milestones’ x ‘business objectives’: indicators of achievement (quali | quanti) | deadline
- Stakeholder accountability plan | Indexing of objectives
- ‘ROI’ cockpit
- Monitoring the achievement of economic objectives allocated to the program and projects | Continuous rescoping
Excerpt from our references
Design and worldwide deployment of a common approach to functional analysis for the development of industrial equipment
Points of view
Profitability Plan: generating breakthroughs able to galvanize a cost reduction program
In the European market, the difficult economic climate has prompted industrial firms to deploy innovative strategies to improve their operational performance and thus maintain their competitive advantage over players from emerging countries.The improvement of the...
Improving employee experience
Simplify daily work life, improve individual efficiency or collective productivity... or simply offer a better quality of life at work. So many issues to be addressed by the concept of employee experience!The increasing complexity of the systems and technologies used...
How to align employees’ skills with company’s strategic objectives?
In the context of a knowledge-based economy, where the human capital plays an increasingly important role, the implementation of a real HR strategy becomes essential. The objective of this strategy is to build and manage the best skills base for the overall success of...
Interest of the CRM tools in the automotive sector
1. Uses and contributions of CRM in the automotive sector The customer journey can be divided into 3 phases: the acquisition of new customers, the conversion that transforms a purchase intention into action and loyalty. CRM tools play a very important role throughout...
International project roll-out
For a multinational company, align its subsidiaries on common standards and performance levels is a complex exercise which is part of large-scale transformation projects. With two major trends are emerging. Change acceleratesMultiplication of projects within the...
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