Observatory of the Balanced Organization

Answer the survey: 2023 edition (French version only)

At Pagamon, we approach each organizational transformation in a unique way. Because even if we capitalize on our sectoral and functional expertise, the market, the economic and operational context, the strategic challenges and the values are specific to each organization.

Nevertheless, we are convinced that any organization that wants to grow profitably, sustainably and responsibly must find the right balance in the investments (both human and financial) that it allocates to each of its key asset areas: offerings, people, processes and know-how, data and customers.

Because an organization that ensures a fair balance of investments between all its asset areas is more resistant and resilient in the face of exogenous shocks (health crisis, digital disruption, etc.) or endogenous shocks (new ways of working and collaborating, questioning of its “raison d’être”, etc.). 




This is why we have launched the Observatory of the Balanced OrganizationTM, which aims to measure the level of maturity of organizations in terms of development strategy and sustainable transformation in each of their asset areas. And we run a think tank made up of men and women from the academic world, the economy and civil society. As a catalyst for ideas and a source of debate, it feeds our environment in terms of best practices on the transformation of organizations.

If you wish to participate in the 2023 edition of our survey, you will find below a questionnaire structured in 7 sections. It should take you about 20 minutes to complete. The data collected will be anonymized and used only for processing responses. Our survey is currently only available in French.

We invite you to express your interest in receiving the results of this survey by sending us your contact information via this questionnaire.

You will soon find in this section the first results and conclusions of the Observatory of the Balanced OrganizationTM.